The Human  & Cooperative Organization

Metamorphosis proposes a set of tailor-made interventions connected on the 3 dimensions of the Human & Cooperative Organization that are : "Ways of Working and Managing", "Team Dynamics & Leadership" and "Collaboration & Autonomy".

  • Agile/Scrum & Cooperative Project Management (methods, tools and processes)
  • WholeAgile approach - Design and implementation of agile and self-organized organizations and teams (Holacracy, Sociocracy 3.0, Management 3.0, Agile/Scrum) incl. structure, governance and cooperative principles
  • Design & implementation of principles of decentralized organizations & self-managed teams
  • Leading change approaches, methods and tools : Kotter model, “Viral Change / Homo Imitans”, ADKAR model
  • Individual coaching aiming at accompanying individuals in their search and implementation of their own solutions
  • Team coaching aiming at strengthening teams' efficiency, productivity & health (values, cohesion, meeting efficiency, decision-making and implementation, management of tensions and conflicts,...) including management & leadership practices
  • Collective Intelligence and Group Dynamics approaches and methods for small and large groups i.e world cafe, open space forums, appreciative inquiry, liberating structures,…
  • Creativity and creative problem solving methodologies and tools
  • Development of customized and on the job training modules
  • Design, implementation and facilitation of networks and communities of practice 
  • Systemic / holistic design : systems maps, causal-loop diagrams, systems archetypes

Metamorphosis proposes you as well a set of tailor-made interventions

connected to the other pillars of global performance :

and Fair & Participatory Transformation and Change processesthe common thread embedded in the way how the 3 pillars of the global performance are processed.

Aiming at the autonomy and the continuity of the approach, the interventions principles of Metamorphosis are based on co-design.

Interested ? Discover how it's working concretely.